Dr Angad Singh Saluja
Principal, The Saluja Clinic
Dr Rajinder Saluja’s son, Dr Angad Saluja joined The Saluja Clinic in August 2014 as GP Principle and GP Partner, which he had always looked forward to one day doing from a young age, to be able to work alongside his father.
Angad was born and educated in London, England, having completing his early years at Orley Farm School and Haberdashers School for Boys (Elstree), he went on to study medicine at St Bartholomew’s and The London Medical School.
Having an interest in sports and fitness, he completed a Bachelors of Science with Honours in Sports and Exercise Medicine (BSc) in 2008 before going on to finish his Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) in 2009. He went on to complete his house officer years at The Royal London Hospotal, Whitechapel, where his Foundation Training consisted of Trauma and Emergency Medicine which he had a special interest in, and continued to work as a locum Registrar in the Emergency Department throughout his training.
Angad then joined the GPVTS Training programme in Chertsey, Surrey, under the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Deanery, whilst continuing to locum as an Emergency Department registrar throughout his VTS under the supervision of Dr Sohail Butt, GP Trainer.
After joining the Saluja Clinic, Angad was elected as Governing Board Member by his peers for NHS Ealing Clinical Commisioning Group in April 2018, and also the End of Life Clinical Lead, where he has assisted on guidance and pathways for End of Life Care alongside the MacMillan GP whist being involved in Community Contract Procurements.
Angad is very keen to modernise the practice and streamline processes for his patients to ensure we remain up to date and able to serve our local community.
Away from medicine, Angad still continues to enjoy health and fitness, having achieved a 3rd Degree Black Belt in ITF Taekwon-do under Master Johann DeSilva (desilvatkd.com), Angad was National Middleweight ITF Champion in 2004 and qualified as a registered instructor, umpire and referee, with the British Taekwon-do Council and opened a school under DeSilva TKD where he taught throughout his medical school years.
At present, Angad is the Ealing CCG Borough Lead for End of Life Care and has been fully involved in the Covid 19 Vaccination rollout where he has regularly volunteered throughout the pandemic. At present he is also the registered CQC Manager, GP Principle, Clinical Lead and QOF Lead for the Saluja Clinic.
Angad tries to apply what he has learnt from his experience in sports and fitness along with his medical degrees to his daily practice with his patients.